0754 354 7223

Sam consulting with a patient


I am a fully registered member of The Society of Homeopaths which is the UK’s largest group of registered homeopaths.

Homeopathy is a traditional, effective, natural and non toxic system of medicine which offers treatment for both chronic and acute illness. It has been practiced worldwide in its current form for over 200 years but actually dates back to ancient civilisations. It is the second most widely used medicine in the world and brings healing to emotional and physical ailments in an efficient and gentle manner with no side effects and can be used alongside conventional drugs.  Homeopathy treats the whole of you, not just one symptom at a time.

During the consultation patients are given time to talk about their complaints in a professional, confidential yet relaxing and empathic environment.

As a homeopath I believe that disease is actually the body expressing its ‘dis-ease’ with a situation, emotion or injury. Therefore each symptom, e.g. tonsillitis, eczema, stress or a sore toe is as completely unique as you are. I prescribe highly individualised remedies which gently encourage the body to heal itself, bringing about improved health and better resilience to the stresses and strains of modern life.

Remedies are easy to take and are suitable for all ages and situations including pregnancy, they can also work well for animal care and gardening.

Please allow 1.5 hrs for the first consultation and 45 mins for follow ups. Fees include prescribed homeopathic remedies.

Always consult your doctor if you have existing health issues. No information given here should be taken as professional medical advice or as a substitute for consulting your doctor.